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New Year’s Resolutions That Help Kids Limit Screen Time

Updated: Mar 22, 2023

As the holidays and the calendar year draw to a close, millions of American adults will begin making New Year’s Resolutions. But it’s healthy for your kids to make some too: doing so will teach them about a major cultural tradition as well as how to set goals for themselves in general. If you play your cards right, you can also get your children or teens to make small resolutions that will help them accomplish a big one: limiting their screen time in the New Year. Here’s how your kids can achieve a healthy balance between tech time and other activities.

How To Limit Screen Time With New Year’s Resolutions

If you ask your kids what they want to do in the new year, odds are they’ll want to check out hot new online and console games, stay on top of TikTok trends, and become more popular on social media. However, there are probably plenty of things they also want to accomplish in real life, like earning a bigger allowance or improving their academic or extracurricular skills. Explain that their “IRL goals” should come first and that (non-school-related) screen time should come second. Here are some ideas for resolutions that will foster healthy growth in your children.

  • Ideas for kids under age 5. Very young children can strive to do things like trying new foods, being kind to other kids, helping with simple household tasks, and learning to play new card and board games with the family.

  • Ideas for kids aged 5-12. Younger and older children can do things like find a physical activity they enjoy and do it regularly, or prevent and report bullying at school. They can also identify their favorite school subjects, which can help them decide on a field to study later in life.

  • Ideas for teens aged 13 and up. Tweens and teens can navigate these tumultuous years by getting enough sleep at night, preparing for the next day the night before, and eating healthier foods at and after school. Now is a good time to work on healthy stress management skills and improving their academic performance as well as preparing for college.

Teach Kids Safe Tech Use With Net Positive

The mission of the Boys & Girls Clubs of Utah County is to inspire and enable all young people, especially those who need us most, to realize their full potential as productive, caring, and responsible citizens and leaders. We accomplish this by providing evidence-based programs with a focus on those that improve academic engagement, build character, and improve healthy behaviors.

Our Net Positive Program educates K-12 students about digital safety, health, citizenship, and leadership. After participating in our program, students are 97% better prepared to face internet dangers. Contact us to learn more and ask your school to schedule a Net Positive Presentation, or support us with your donation today!


“Healthy New Year's Resolutions for Children & Teens.”,

“Making New Year's Resolutions with Your Child.” PBS, Public Broadcasting Service,

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